Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Asbestos Exposure And Cancer

What is Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos is a class of minerals that appear naturally in fibrous form. Due to its properties of flexibility, strength, and heat / chemical resistance it found extensive use in building material, roofing material, ship building material, components used in the auto manufacturing industry, and a host of other uses.

Asbestos exposure occurs when a person is constantly subjected to the inhalation of asbestos fibers over long periods of time. Asbestos fibers are usually microscopic and not visible to the naked eye. When inhaled constantly, they settle and get firmly lodged in the lungs. The effects of this come to notice after approximately 15 years of the first exposure and could take upto 40 years to surface. The most common health effects that asbestos inhalation cause are asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma.

Persons at a maximum risk of exposure to asbestos fibers are mine workers and those living in close vicinity to these mines, construction site workers, those involved directly in ship building, house / building renovators, ship breakers, those involved in the manufacture / servicing of auto clutch and brake assemblies.

Lung Cancer
The connection between asbestos inhalation and lung cancer was detected way back in the 1920s. Studies over the years have confirmed this.

Lung cancer is caused by the inhalation of almost all the variants of asbestos including chrysotile, amosite, anthophyllite, and crocidotile. It has also been observed that many of those suffering from asbestosis will develop lung cancer. The chances of this are increased with smoking and further exposure to asbestos fibers.

A rare form of cancer, mesothelioma affects the membrane that lines the lungs and chest. Mesothelioma takes approximately 30 to 40 years to develop and show its effects. This is the reason why mesothelioma is mostly seen in older patients. It is one of the most fatal, aggressive and painful cancers.

Those at a risk of developing mesothelioma are those who have been constantly exposed to asbestos over a prolonged period of time. It has been observed that even those subjected to low levels of asbestos inhalation over a long period of time are subject to developing mesothelioma.

The risk of developing mesothelioma does not increase with smoking, as is the case in asbestosis and lung cancer.

From Asbestosis to Lung Cancer
Asbestosis is caused due to a scarring of the lung tissue resulting from long-term asbestos exposure and the asbestos fibers getting lodged firmly into the lungs. With early diagnosis and proper treatment, asbestosis can be contained. If ignored and combined with smoking and further inhalation of asbestos fibers, asbestosis will surely lead to lung cancer.

Other Cancers Attributed to Asbestos Exposure
Recent studies have shown that asbestos exposure is the cause of cancers other than lung cancer and mesothelioma. These include cancer of the larynx, stomach, colon, oral cavity, and kidney. It has also been observed that persons exposed to asbestos fibers in their drinking water have a higher-than-average death rate due to cancer of the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

Smoking and Cancer Risk Due to Asbestos Exposure
The combination of prolonged asbestos exposure and smoking is extremely hazardous and will almost always lead to lung cancer. Studies have shown that smoking does not increase the risk of mesothelioma.

When an asbestos exposure related disease such as asbestosis is diagnosed and smoking is quit immediately, it has been observed that the risk of developing lung cancer is greatly reduced. All those who have had prior exposure to asbestos fibers and still smoke, should quit immediately.

Asbestos Exposure Prevention
When getting any old construction renovated or broken down, do not attempt doing it yourself, however small the job. Call for professional help; they are aware of the dangers associated with asbestos and will ensure that neither they nor you have to go through asbestos exposure and the diseases associated with it.

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